Hackathon Competition in Pune 2024

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Prize Pool Worth Rs. 4 Lakh+

InnovateYou- Techathon 2024

First biggest Hackathon Competition in Pune

We Innovation Foundation is thrilled to announce our upcoming Hackathon in Pune. At We Innovation, our mission is to inspire and empower young innovators through our initiatives. We draw inspiration from the resounding success of the Smart India Hackathon organized by the Government of India. Our upcoming hackathon is designed to cater to both technical and non-technical students who share a common goal – solving real-world problems that positively impact the lives of everyday people in India.

Final list of eligible participants has been declared

Techathon details and Handook

Prize for winners of the InnovateYou Techathon 2024

₹ 2,00,000

₹ 1,00,000

₹ 75,000

₹ 25,000 x 2

Why We Innovation Foundation?

As an organization, we take immense pride in nurturing innovation. Our founder Mr. Kalpesh Yadav, has a proven track record of supporting student projects, propelling them towards realization and success. We firmly believe in the power of innovation to drive positive change, and our Hackathon in Pune is a testament to this belief.

Our Hackathon is uniquely structured to encompass a wide range of skills and talents, making it accessible to students from various backgrounds. Whether you hail from a technical or non-technical discipline, or if you’re passionate about finding innovative solutions that benefit the masses in India, this event is for you.

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Shedule of the Hackathon Competition

Information Architecture
Bug Fixing
Venue Section


AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, AISSMS College Campus, Pune



Sat 17th Feb & 18th Feb

Problem Statements

What is Hackathon?

A hackathon is a dynamic event that brings creative minds together to address real-world challenges through innovation. Participants form teams and work tirelessly within a set timeframe to develop prototypes or solutions for specific issues. The term “hack” doesn’t imply illegal activity but highlights ingenious problem-solving and creativity.

India’s IT talent seeks a platform to showcase innovative solutions globally, and hackathons fulfill this role. They serve as a launchpad for creativity and problem-solving, allowing individuals and teams to turn visionary ideas into tangible solutions, from software applications to hardware prototypes.

India: An Emerging IT Powerhouse

India has rapidly ascended the global technology ladder, establishing itself as a key player in the information technology sector. With a thriving IT industry, the country boasts a reservoir of exceptional talent that has been instrumental in delivering IT services and solutions to clients worldwide. The Indian IT workforce is renowned for its expertise in software development, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and much more.

The IT Sector in Maharashtra

Mumbai, Maharashtra’s vibrant capital, serves as the economic epicenter of the nation. Its bustling streets are lined with towering skyscrapers and corporate headquarters. This city is the heart of India’s financial and business activities, attracting professionals and entrepreneurs from all corners of the globe. Maharashtra, India’s western state, boasts a thriving IT sector with major industry players in cities like Pune and Mumbai. Pune, often referred to as the “Oxford of the East” and “Detroit of India,” has emerged as a prominent IT hub, housing a multitude of tech companies, startups, and educational institutions. Meanwhile, Mumbai, the economic capital, is home to numerous IT giants and financial institutions.

Why Join?

“Ignite to Innovate” is not merely our slogan; it represents our commitment to fostering problem-solving skills in students within an environment that encourages out-of-the-box thinking. We assist not only by providing a platform but also by advancing award-winning prototypes to completion, preparing them to serve the real world.

Skill Diversity: Whether you’re a seasoned professional, a student eager to learn, or a dropout with a passion for tech, Innovate You is the platform to showcase your talents.

Networking: Connect with industry experts, fellow enthusiasts, and potential collaborators who share your passion for technology.

Photo Gallery

Who Can Join?

Industries & Professionals

Bring your expertise and contribute to cutting-edge solutions.


Learn, collaborate, and gain hands-on experience in a real-world, time-bound environment.


Showcase your skills and creativity outside the traditional academic setting.


Collaborate, innovate, and potentially find talent for your next big project.

*Laptop Requirement: Bring your laptops and immerse yourself in the world of InnovateYou 2024
*Registration Fees: Maharashtra Students – 999 Rs. Each Team (2 to 4 Members), Out Side of Maharashtra – 1999 Rs. Per Team (2 to 4 Members)
Join us at Innovate You 2024, where innovation knows no bounds, and every line of idea is a step toward shaping the future!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Judging Criteria for InnovateYou 2024:

1. Innovation and Creativity (25 points):
Uniqueness and creativity of the solution.
Innovative use of technology to address the given problem statements.
Novel approaches or features that set the project apart.

2. Technical Complexity (20 points):
Technical sophistication and complexity of the solution.
Effective utilization of diverse technologies within the chosen technological spectrum.
Demonstrated understanding and implementation of advanced concepts.

3. Functionality and User Experience (20 points):
The overall functionality and usability of the developed solution.
User-centric design and a seamless experience for end-users.
Clear demonstration of how the solution meets the needs of the target audience.

4. Impact and Practicality (15 points):
Potential real-world impact of the solution on the identified problem statement.
Practicality and feasibility of implementing the solution in relevant scenarios.
Consideration of scalability and adaptability for future use.

5. Collaboration and Teamwork (10 points):
Effective collaboration within the team of tech enthusiasts.
Demonstrated synergy of skills among team members.
Clear communication of each team member’s contribution to the project.

6. Presentation and Communication (10 points):
Clarity and effectiveness of the project presentation.
Ability to articulate the problem, solution, and key features.
Engaging communication that captivates the audience and the judging panel.

         Day 1:

  • 8 – 10 am: Registrations: Kickstart the hackathon with a smooth registration process, ensuring participants are ready for an exciting two days of innovation.
  • 10 – 11 am: Inauguration: Officially open the event with an inspiring inauguration, setting the tone for creativity and collaboration.
  • 11 – 11:20 am: Rooms Segregation: Organize participants into dedicated spaces, fostering teamwork and a conducive environment for hacking.
  • 11:30 am – 1 pm: Hackathon: Dive into the core of the event as teams start brainstorming, coding, and problem-solving.
  • 1- 2 pm: Lunch Break: Provide a well-deserved break for participants to recharge and network.
  • 2 – 5 pm: Hackathon: Resume the hacking sessions, encouraging teams to make progress on their projects.
  • 5 – 6 pm: Snacks & Group Photos: Offer snacks to keep energy levels up, and capture memorable moments with group photos.
  • 6 – 8 pm: Hackathon: Continue the coding momentum as teams push boundaries and work towards their goals.
  • 8 – 9 pm: Dinner Break: Provide a relaxing dinner break, allowing participants to unwind and socialize.
  • 9 pm – 12 am: Hackathon: Extend the hacking hours for those who are determined to refine their projects into the late night.


      Day 2:

  • 12 – 1 am: Refreshing activities: Introduce a lively atmosphere with music and a firecamp, fostering camaraderie among participants. (Subject to permissions)
  • 1 – 7 am: Hackathon: For the night owls and dedicated teams, continue the hacking marathon through the early hours.
  • 7 – 9 am: Refreshments + Breakfast: Energize participants with morning refreshments and a hearty breakfast to fuel the final stretch.
  • 9 – 11:30 am: Presentations: Witness the culmination of hard work as teams present their projects, showcasing their creativity and technical skills.
  • 11:30 am – 12 pm: Assemble & Fun Activities: Bring everyone together for group activities, promoting a sense of community and fun.
  • 12 – 1 pm: Valedictory, Photos, & Prize Distributions: Conclude the hackathon with a valedictory ceremony, capturing final moments with photos, and recognizing outstanding achievements through prize distributions.
 (Organizers reserve a rights to change or modify schedule of the event)

Yes, basic accommodation is included in the registration cost for all team members. Each registered team, consisting of 2 to 4 members, will have access to shared accommodation facilities.

No, the organizers will not provide coverage for traveling costs. Participants are responsible for arranging and covering their own travel expenses to and from the event venue.

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